‘WRC 3’ drifts to a halt

Racing games these days are a dime a dozen. From consoles to tablets, there seems to be a new racing game being released every day. Some games get it right, like “Real Racing 3” or “Need for Speed.” Others set the benchmark for racing superiority like “Forza” or “Grand Turismo.” In the world of rally racers, besides the “Dirt” series, there are few games that truly capture the sport. WRC FIA “World Rally Championship 3” seeks to add its name to that short resume. Does it succeed?
The presentation of “WRC 3” seems to be a mixture of other games before it. The menu system is similar to “Dirt” and “Forza” and provides a simple and clean way to navigate through the game. There is also an in-game narrator, with a female British accent, that offers an extra bit of polish to the game. There is an in-game navigation system within the hub that is similar to that in the “Forza” series.
Cars experience real-time damage during gameplay, which adds a sense of realism to the game. The sound is also good. The cars rip through gravel and dirt and it sounds good, but something seems to be missing. The sound and graphics seem to be missing something, as if both could be more robust and polished.
The cars do not handle well either during gameplay. The acceleration seems too fast and the controls for the brakes and drifting mechanics do not respond as accurately as they should. While there are tons of options, none of the cars seems to control in a unique or distinguishable way.
“WRC 3” has a variety of gameplay options to keep you busy. Players can choose to compete in exhibition races, championship competitions, or the “Road to Glory” career mode. All of these modes are serviceable, yet nothing unique stands out.
“WRC 3” is an OK racing game. It only seems to imitate what has been done before it and does not offer anything unique. The details in the cars are great, but nothing handles in a unique or different way. If you want to play a game, it should be great not just merely good. Grab a copy of “Forza Horizon” or “Dirt 3” to get your racing fix.
Platforms: PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita, Microsoft Windows, Xbox 360
Genre: Racing
Publisher: Black Bean Games
ESRB Rating: E for Everyone