Ring Girl: 8/1/14

Don’t forget this weekend’s MMA match ups at the Blaisdell Arena. Put on my Destiny MMA, Aug. 2’s Na Koa VI features more than 20 bouts of your favorite local fighters including Justin Burgess, Kai Boy Kamaka, Kelii Palencia and more. Call the box office at 1-800-745-3000 or visit ticketmaster.com … Also this weekend (Sunday to be exact) is a speed and agility clinic at Hanalani Schools. The Mililani Power Hour is open to keiki ages 5-17. Call 295-6865 for more info or shoot an email over to kptraining@gmail.com. The goal of the camp is to develop first step explosiveness through improved mind to muscle control, increase body weight strength and injury prevention movements, and most importantly to work hard and have fun … Also on the upcoming agenda is Man Up & Stand Up’s Aug. 8 event at Waipahu’s FilCom arena – this time featuring a no-host bar. Competing in this event are Tim Teves, Isaac Hopps, Koki Shimokawa, Verdis Wolmack, Ikaika Earl and more … Do you or anyone you know want to be featured in Ring Girl? Or do you have suggestions for a story Email suggestions to ringgirl@honolulustreetpulse.com!