PlayStation 4 creates new video-gaming standard

By CHRIS CAMPBELL | Scripps Howard News Service
With the launch of the PlayStation 4, we can start welcoming in a new generation and standard of video gaming. We’re promised stronger graphics, deeper levels of content, hardware that can serve a multitude of purposes outside of just gaming itself, and much more. And while there are many who will love all the connectivity and home entertainment possibilities with the PS4, if the games don’t measure up then what’s the point?
To that end, here’s a roundup of the top launch-day titles available for those who need to get their PS4 fix on right away.
Genre: Action
Publisher: Sony
ESRB Rating: E for Everyone
The Verdict: Of course, what better way to celebrate new technology than to take a 30-year-old game and redefine it entirely for a new generation? “Resogun” takes the arcade class “Defender” and reboots it as a 21st-century side-scroller with a frantic pace. Alien ships come at you from numerous directions; the techno/house music beats will keep you auditory senses alive. You may invite carpal tunnel into your life quickly with all the fast-acting movements you have to perform. Anyone who remembers dumping quarter after quarter into an arcade machine will love this game.
“Killzone: Shadow Fall”
Genre: Shooter
Publisher: Sony
ESRB Rating: M for Mature
The Verdict: As we’ve learned, more shooter franchises are spending more time developing exciting multiplayer experiences at the detriment of single-player campaigns. “Shadow Fall” embraces this trend, almost to a fault. The once-great franchise saw better days when it had compelling narrative, and now with a shallow story and expanded (though unique) competitive modes, it just looks like all the other first-person shooters. Franchise fans will enjoy it, but newbies may be less intrigued.
Genre: Music
Publisher: Sony
ESRB Rating: E for Everyone
The Verdict: Originally released roughly four years ago, this music-themed game should not be missed with this re-release. The simple premise — guide flower petals through landscapes to create music — may come off trite and simplistic, but the results are anything but. The game is relatively short, but the replay factor is high. Few games deliver these kinds of highs and lows in such a serene environment.
Genre: Puzzle
Publisher: Compulsion Games
ESRB Rating: E for Everyone
The Verdict: The game has big notions with its striking visuals and unique ability to shift from 2-D to 3-D playing. Sadly, the game sets you up for big payoffs but rarely delivers them, leaving you wanting more than the limited offerings. Fun characters and witty dialogue aren’t enough to make this a game worth owning, but it certainly could entertain you as a weekend rental.
Genre: Action
Publisher: Sony
ESRB Rating: E for Everyone
The Verdict: Not every launch title blows your mind, and “Knack” drew the short stick when it comes to successful games. Try as it might to deliver an interesting fighting game where you control a magical creature fending off an invading goblin army, that description sounds more engaging than the actual game. There’s too much repetition and very little innovation, so save your money and skip this one.