Pitstop: 9/5/14

Friday September 5
11th Hour Live
Waikiki Yacht Club, 6:45-10 p.m., free, members only or guest with member, 21 and older. Waikiki Yacht Club rocks with 11th Hour. (347-1323)
Food and Wine Festival After Party
The Republik, 10 p.m.-2 a.m., $95/VIP. Master Chef Hubert Keller will headline the Hawai‘i Food and Wine Festival’s (HFWF) Campari USA Presents After Party. The Campari Presents USA After Party event will feature six of Hawai‘i’s renowned chefs and six of New York City’s master mixologists (one by way of Denver). (HFWF.com)
Saturday September 6
Majesty and Mystique of Colgin Cellars
Halekulani, 9:30-10:30 a.m., $300. The Hawaii Food & Wine Festival is the premier epicurean destination event in the Pacific. (hawaiifoodandwinefestival.com)
Masters of the Chardonnay Universe
Halekulani, 11 a.m. to noon, $250. The Hawaii Food & Wine Festival is the premier epicurean destination event in the Pacific. (hawaiifoodandwinefestival.com)
Favorite Wine Producers
Halekulani, 12:30-1:30 p.m., $150. The Hawaii Food & Wine Festival is the premier epicurean destination event in the Pacific. (hawaiifoodandwinefestival.com)
Corks and Forks
Hawaii Convention Center, 6-9 p.m., $225, $500/VIP. The Hawaii Food & Wine Festival is the premier epicurean destination event in the Pacific. (hawaiifoodandwinefestival.com)
Soul’d Out Saturdays
Eleven44, 8 p.m.-2 a.m., call for guest list. DJ Mikie D. plays top dancing hits of the ‘70s, ‘80s and 90s. (479-6004)
11th Hour Live
Kelley O’Neil’s, 9 p.m.-1 a.m., free, 21 and older. Kelley O’Neil’s presents 11th Hour live. (347-1323)
Sunday September 7
Back to School Jam
Hawaiian Brian’s, 4:30-9:30 p.m., $15/in advance, $20/door. Come party like it’s 1979. There will be prize giveaways an Ugly Aloha Shirt Contest and even a Soul Train Dance line. So dust of those bell bottoms and platform shoes. (973-2155)
Monday September 8
Adam and Keith Live
Hard Rock Café, 9-11 p.m., no cover. Adam and Keith perform blues and rock. (955-7383)
Tuesday September 9
Iron Barback Challenge
The Republik, 8 p.m. show, $5. No bartender could live without them. No club could operate without them. No girl wants to date them. Besides, who else will clean puke for minimum wage? It’s time to celebrate the ultimate bar slave…the barback! (hello@jointherepublik.com)
True Tone Tuesday
Downbeat Lounge, 8-10 p.m., free. James McCarthy and Foreseeable Furures live. (josheightysix@gmail.com)
Thursday September 11
Courtyard Cinema
The courtyard of the Ward Village Information Center and Sales Gallery, 1240 Ala Moana Blvd., Honolulu, 6 p.m., free, tickets online. This month’s event will honor 9/11 with a screening of “16 Acres.” (wardvillagecourtyardcinema.com)