Pitstop: 6/6/14

Saturday June 7

Adrian Lux Live
The Republik, 9 p.m. show starts, $20/limited early bird, $25/limited general, plus applicable fees, increase day of show, 18 and older. Swedish based Grammy nominated (2011) producer Adrian Lux, best known for his highly acclaimed single ‘Teenage Crime’, is back with another smash hit ‘Boy.’ (jointherepublik.com)

The Bar In Honolulu 
Hawaiian Brians, 9 p.m.-2 a.m., $15/presale. Foes and About The Goods present “The Bar” comprising of Prometheus Brown (Geologic of Blue Scholars) and Bambu celebrating the most recent album “Barkada.” DJ set by Anton Glamb and DJ Revise on the ones and twos all night including live performances by Kristofer Klarke (Creed Chameleon and Grip H) and Na Hoku Hanohano nominee The Horror Show.  (bit.ly/thebarhnl)

Timed Artist Talk
Lana Lane Studios, 5-8:30 p.m., visit website for cost. The public is invited to PRESENT’s inaugural Timed Artist Talk and preview with artist/curator Hadley Nunes, New York-based artist Swoon, arts educator Bryan Welch of Guilds, and Big Island-based artists Sally Lundburg and Keith Tallett. (presentproject.com, info@presentproject.org)

Sunday June 8

Polo Game
Hawaii Polo Club, 68-411 Farrington Hwy., Waialua, 2 p.m. matches start, 11 a.m. gates open, $10/field seating, $25/clubhouse area. USPA Amateur Cup. (Hawaii-polo.org, hpsocialclub@gmail.com)

The Republik Music Festival
Kakaako Waterfront Park Amphitheater, 102 Ohe St. Honolulu, 4:15 p.m. show starts, $39.50/general admission, in advance, plus applicable fees, increase day of show. Performing live is Matisyahu, Steel Pulse and Rebelution, which has developed into a front-runner for grassroots, independent and tour-driven music groups. (flavorus.com)

Wednesday June 11

Fun and Games: Cranium
Eleven44, 6:30 p.m., free. Break up the week with a night of fun and games. Come as a team or join one on site. Bring your own game board for a special prize. Reservations and walk-ins welcome. (eleven44hawaii.com)

Thursday June 12

Mark Prados and his Enablers
Downbeat Lounge, 9 p.m., no cover, 21 and older. Featuring Chicago blues. (533-2328)

Mitasyahu & Steel Pulse
The Republik, 8 p.m. show, $35/in advance, plus applicable fees, increase day of show, all ages with adult. Matisyahu first made a name for himself with his album Live at Stubbs. Steel Pulse may have explored various styles of music since they started out in 1975. (bampproject.com)