Pitstop: 6/20/14

Friday June 20
Lush Launch Party
Eleven44, 9 p.m.-2 a.m., $20/door, 21 and older. Kult Rebellion and eleven44 present Miguel Migs, live in Honolulu along with a Kult Rebellion fashion show. (eleven44hawaii.com)
The WonderShow
Mercury Bar, 9 p.m. doors, sets at 10:30 p.m. and 11:30 p.m., 21 and older, $10/advance, $15/door. Be prepared to be dazzled by Honolulu’s most talented contortionists, jugglers, fire dancers, burlesque artists, pole dancers, comedians and more. (prettypeacockproductions.eventbrite.com)
Dita Holifield’s All American Rodeo
New Town & Coutnry Stables, 41-1800 Kalanianaole Hwy., 1 p.m., $25/door, $20/presale online. Traditional nine-event rodeo with more than $10,000 in prize money; family friendly fun; food and beverages, games for keiki. (rodeo.kamaainakids.com)
The Clampdown
Downbeat Lounge, 9 p.m.-2 a.m., free, 21 and older. Bands performing include 86 List, Behave Yourself, Host, Never Enough and DJ Jet Boy. (josheightysix@gmail.com)
Saturday June 21
Through Thick & Thin: Our Stories
Diamond Head Theatre, 8 p.m., tickets online. Come celebrate Honolulu Gay Pride 2014 with this one-night performance of the Gay Men’s Chorus of Honolulu. Enjoy stories of strength, friendship, and love through the power of choral music, under the artistic direction of John Lehrack. (GMCofH.org)
Dita Holifield’s All American Rodeo
New Town & Coutnry Stables, 41-1800 Kalanianaole Hwy., 1 and 7 p.m., $25/door, $20/presale online. Traditional nine-event rodeo with more than $10,000 in prize money; family friendly fun; food and beverages, games for keiki. (rodeo.kamaainakids.com)
Kore “Oceania” CD Release Party
Downbeat Lounge, 9 p.m.-1 a.m. $5, 21 and older. Performing are DJ Shadowfox and DJ Dark Cloud. (josheightysix@gmail.com)
Sunday June 22
Polo Game
Hawaii Polo Club, 68-411 Farrington Hwy., Waialua, 2 p.m. matches start, 11 a.m. gates open, $10/field seating, $25/clubhouse area. New Zealand versus Hawaii. (Hawaii-polo.org, hpsocialclub@gmail.com)
Monday June 23
Soul Patrol
Hard Rock Café, Honolulu, 9-11 p.m., no cover. Live rock, blues and soul music. (955-7383)
Wednesday June 25
Fun and Games: Uno
Eleven44, 6:30 p.m., free. Break up the week with a night of fun and games. Come as a team or join one on site. Bring your own game board for a special prize. Reservations and walk-ins welcome. (eleven44hawaii.com)
Thursday June 26
Jive Slinky Live
Downbeat Lounge, 9 p.m., free, 21 and older. Prepare to lose yourself in a contagious embrace of the most unexpectedly delightful sensation of live music. (downbeathawaii.com)
Work It
445 Cooke St. and 449 Cooke St., Honolulu, 6-11 p.m., $3/door, $2/in theme of gym shorts and sweat bands. Come for a unique shopping experience. (artandflea.com)
Go Jimmy Go
Mai Tai Bar, 10:30 p.m.-12:30 a.m., free, 21 and older. Part of the Endless Summer Concert Series. (gojimmygo.com)