Pitstop: 4/5/2013

Friday April 5
Electric Palms
The Republik, doors open at 9 p.m., 18 and older event, tickets online, $30/early bird, $35/regular, $40/door. Tommy Thrash plus special guests perform. Lounge opens at 6 p.m. for 21 and older. (groovetickets.com, bampproject.com)
Live Music
BambuTwo Café and Martini Lounge, 8 p.m., free. Listen to the music of DJ Mortadelah. (info@bambutwo.com)
Saturday April 6
UH Manoa Campus Center Ballroom and forum, 9 p.m.-2 a.m., $5/UH students, $10/general, $20/door. 18 and older event. Two rooms of music, nine of Honolulu’s top EDM DJs. Lights, lasers and more. (Hawaii.edu/campuscenter/)
Sunday April 7
Soul Patrol “Unplugged”
Aloha Beer Company, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Enjoy acoustic rock, blues and soul music. (545-5959)
Wednesday April 10
Live Music
BambuTwo Café and Martini Lounge, 7 p.m., free. Listen to the music of Stef Mariani. (info@bambutwo.com)
Thursday April 11
Tattoo Nation
Ward Theatrs, 7 p.m., visit website for tickets. Tattoo Nation tells the story of a few people who helped transform the world of tattoo, and the way we think about tattoos, forever. (tattoonationscreenings.com, eight0ink@yahoo.com)
Live Music
BambuTwo Café and Martini Lounge, 7 p.m., free. Listen to the music of Billy Sage, IV. (info@bambutwo.com)