Pitstop: 3/21/14

Friday March 21
Art Gallery
The ARTS at Marks Gage, Tuesday to Saturday until March 29, free. An intimate sampler of works by Lana Lane Studio members that demonstrates the working environment of this shared space and the sparks of creativity that are shaping a growing creative industry based in Kakaako. (lanalanestudios.com)
The WonderShow
The Mercury Bar, 9 p.m. doors open, $10/advance, $15/door, 21 and older. Sets at 10:30 p.m. and 11:30 p.m. Featuring Ace Fly, Licious Liz, Willow Chang, Kinetic Flow, Lola Love, Lolli Anomally, Miss Catwings, Betty Bourbon, La Femme Rikita, Ginger Hats and more. (wondershowmarch.eventbrite.com)
Voz A Voz
Crossroads Concert Hall at Hawaiian Brians, 8 p.m.-1:30 a.m., call or visit website for tickets. Latin Billboard and Grammy nominees, Voz a Voz returns for their second concert in Honolulu. (vavhonolulu.eventbrite.com, 428-3521)
Live Music
Eleven44, 7 p.m.-2 a.m., free. Globes, Timo Lee and Kevin Koga perform live. (eleven44hawaii.com)
11th Hour Live
Snappers Sports Bar and Grill, 9 p.m.-1 a.m., free, 21 and older. Chez presents 11th hour live. (347-1323)
Jeff Bernat Live
Hawaiian Brians, 5-8 p.m., $15/door, $10/advance, all ages accompanied by an adult. Reno-based singer/songwriter Jeff Bernat along with producer JBird will be returning to Honolulu for Shirt The Kids Hawaii 2014, a benefit concert to fundraise money for Typhoon Haiyan Survivors in the Philippines. (info@kampeon.com, aboutthegoods.com)
The Clampdown
Downbeat Lounge, 9 p.m., $5, 21 and older. Bands: Black Square, Koga, Pimpbot, DJ Jet Boy and Mano Kane. Genre: reggae and ska. (josheightysix@gmail.com)
Live Reggae Music
Breakers Haleiwa, 9 p.m., $10/presale, $15/door, 21 and older. Gavinchi Brown with Isouljahs and BoomBong live. (424-266-0045)
Melissa Cox Live
Hard Rock Café, 10 p.m., free. International touring Celtic fusion singer Melissa Cox returns for her fourth annual tour on Oahu. (melissacoxmusic@yahoo.com)
Saturday March 22
Rex Navarrete and Augie T Live
Neal Blaisdell Arena, 8 p.m., $15, $20, $25 and $30. Tickets online. Rex Navarrete and Augie T perform together for the first time live on stage. A benefit for Typhoon Haiyan Philippine relief. (ticketmaster.com)
Naked Girls Reading
The ARTS at Marks Garage, 8 p.m. doors open, reading begins at 8:30 p.m., $15/early bird, $20/general, $30/door. Pulp fiction readings by Lola Love, ChiChi Roniz and Madame Sue. Hosted by Miss Catwings. (nakedgirlsreadpulpfiction.eventbrite.com)
Grand Opening
Eleven44, 8 p.m. to close, $25/includes two drinks. Vince and Technique perform for eleven44’s grand opening, which also is a benefit for the ARTS at Marks Garage. Dress Chinatown Chic. (eleven44hawaii.com)
Ekolu Live
The Republik, 9 p.m. show starts, $15/door. “Down in the Valley” became Ekolu’s first hit back in 1999. This album made them well-known not only in Hawaii, but also in the Mainland and as far as east coast. Three years later, Ekolu came out with their second debut album called, “Shores of Waiehu.” (hifinest.com)
Rage 4 Change
Ginza Nightclub, 8 p.m.-1 a.m., $15/door, 21 and older. “Rage 4 Change Movement” supplements arts for local youth communities by hosting fundraiser events around the island. A portion of the proceeds are then designated for funding youth workshops for children 8-18. (facebook.com/Rage4Change)
Live Reggae Music
The Studio at Hawaiian Brians, 9 p.m. show starts, $10/cover, 18 and older. Gavinchi, Isouljahs and the Boombong fam perform live. Giveaways from HI Bred Kollective. (424-266-0045)
Melissa Cox Live
North Shore Country Market, Sunset Beach Elementary, 11 a.m., free. International touring Celtic fusion singer Melissa Cox returns for her fourth annual tour on Oahu. (melissacoxmusic@yahoo.com)
Mustache Madness
Nextdoor, 8:30 p.m. doors open, 9 p.m. show starts, $8/in mustache-themed costume, $10/general admission, 21 and older. Hawaii’s premier burlesque revue, Cherry Blossom Cabaret, presents Speakeasy: Mustache Madness. Mustache Madness is the first of Cherry Blossom Cabaret’s Speakeasy performance series for 2014. (cherryblossomcabaret@gmail.com)
Sunday March 23
Burlesque Workshop
The Academy of Tease, 12:30-1 p.m., free. Glove Peels is led by Lola Love. Learn the art of glove peels. This workshop will teach beginners the art of glove peeling and will provide experienced performers more advanced techniques. (academyoftease.com)
Street Rally
City streets in Honolulu, registration and tech inspection 8 a.m., driver’s meeting 9 a.m., first car out 9:30 a.m., lunch 11-11:15 a.m. at Schooner’s, registration fee $20/SCCA members, $20/others. The Road Rally will be held on city streets in Honolulu. The object is follow the course and answer questions about what you see along the way. (sccahawaii.org)
Monday March 24
Burleque Monday Series
The Academy of Tease, various times and classes, tickets and registration online. Learn the art of tease with Lola Love. Burlesque Basics: 5-6 p.m. Rock Ette like a Rockette 6:15-7:15 p.m. More classes available online. (academyoftease.com)
Tuesday March 25
True Tone Tuesday
Downbeat Lounge, 8-10 p.m., no cover. Performing are Charley Myers and Derek Ferrar. (downbeathawaii.com)
Wednesday March 26
Baths Live
The Republik, 8 p.m. show starts, $20/in advance, plus applicable fees, increase day of show, all ages accompanied by an adult. Three years ago, Baths dropped his startlingly beautiful debut, Cerulean. (groovetickets.com)
Wedding Workshops
The Ward Warehouse Conference Room, above The Wedding Café, 6:30 p.m., visit website for prices. More than 150 brides come together to meet our vendors, get their burning questions answered and learn about planning their wedding. (theweddingcafe.net/signup)
Thursday March 27
Funk Overdrive
Eleven44, 7-10 p.m., free for ladies, $5/men. Bennie James performs for Funk Overdrive. (eleven44hawaii.com, info@eleven44hawaii.com)
Oil in the Alley Live
The Crossroads at Hawaiian Brian’s, 7:30 p.m., $10/no advance sales. Oil in the Alley is joined by Busekrus, a local pop-punk/rock band. Also on the agenda is a poetry performance with enilea Heath, Joanna Gordon, Faith Pascua, Serena Ngaio Simmons, and Kamalei Hee. (hawaiianbrians.com)
Boom Bap
449 Cooke St., Honolulu, 5-11 p.m., $3/door. Pop-up food vendors, more than 60 vendors, full bars and drink specials, workshops by Diverse Arts Center and more. (artandflea.com)