Pitstop: 12/06/13

Friday December 6
Hawaii Glass Artists 11th Annual Show
ARTS at Marks Garage, 6-9 p.m., free. This show includes exotic couture art as well as affordable retail work. Music, entertainment and demonstrations. (521-2903)
Live DJ Sets
Bar 35, 4 p.m.-2 a.m., no cover before 9 a.m. DJs Rhombus, KSM and Anarch perform. (bar35.com)
The Quiet Band Live
Manifest, 7 p.m., no cover until 9 p.m. DJs SSSolution and Mellow perform at 10 p.m. (manifesthawaii.com)
Metamorphosis Live
The Venue, 6 p.m.-2 a.m., no cover, 21 and older. Metamorphosis, featuring DJ Migz in the early hours and DJ Bennie James in the late hours. (bambutwo.com)
Chinatown Courtyard, Mendonca Building, 1126 Smith St., Honolulu, 5-10 p.m., free. The Chinatown Courtyard will be transformed into a Secret Beer Garden benefiting The ARTS at Marks. (artsatmarks.com)
Club Underground
Downbeat Lounge, 9 p.m.-2 a.m., free, 21 and older. DJ Ross Jackson and Davey Shindig live. (downbeatdiner.com)
Saturday December 7
Tighten Up
Nextdoor, 9 p.m., ladies free cover, $5/general admission, 18 and older. Bringing you the real HipHop, Soul and Funk vibe. (followtheleaderent@yahoo.com)
Electric Palms Concert Series: Nervo
The Republik, 9 p.m. show starts, $35/early bird, $40/general, increase day of show plus applicable fees. Starting out in the mid-2000’s, Australian sisters Mim and Liv Nervo made their name by writing smash singles for artists like Ke$ha and Kylie Minogue, remixing superstars like Katy Perry and Thirty Seconds to Mars, and joining forces with David Guetta to co-write his Grammy-winning “When Love Takes Over.” (bampproject.com)
Eleventh Hour Live
Mo-Joe’s Sports Bar & Grill, 9 p.m. to midnight, free. Eleventh Hour takes the stage. (234-6656)
Soul Patrol Live
Hard Rock Café, 10:30 p.m.-12:30 a.m., no cover. Soul Patrol joins multiple artists in a benefit show for the World Hunger Year campaign. (955-7383)
Tuesday December 10
Maria Songbird and Nick Danger Live
Downbeat Lounge, 8-10 p.m., free, 21 and older. True Tone Tuesdays is a singer songwriter showcase featuring Hawaii’s top acoustic music makers. Hosted by James McCarthy of Doolin Rakes, artists are curated for short sets allowing an intimate opportunity for listeners to hear some of their favorite musicians and singers reveal new material and established favorites. (downbeatdiner.com)
Wednesday December 11
Reel Big Fish Live
The Republik, 8 p.m. show starts, $26/general admission, increase day of show, plus applicable fees. Reel Big Fish was one of the legions of Southern California ska-punk bands to edge into the mainstream following the mid-’90s success of No Doubt and Sublime. Like most of their peers, the band was distinguished by their hyperkinetic stage shows, juvenile humor, ironic covers of new wave pop songs, and metallic shards of ska. (groovetickets.com)
VIVO CD Release Party
The Mezz 127, 7:30 p.m., $10/general, $5/students at the door. Musical group VIVO release their CD, Habitually Late. (vivotheband.com)
Thursday December 12
YUZU Karaoke Challenge
YUZU at the Ala Moana Hotel, prelims tonight and Dec. 19, prelim registration 7-8:30 p.m., contests 9-10:30 p.m., open karaoke 10:30 p.m. to midnight, finals Dec. 26, no cost to enter the karaoke challenge, 21 and older. Two drink minimum for all contestants and audience members. Visit website for more rules. (yuzuhawaii.com)