Pitstop: 10/4/13

Friday October 4
The Republik, 8 p.m. show starts, $22.50/plus applicable fees with increase day of show. The Worlds ONLY all-female “Iron Maiden” tribute band, have been taking the tribute world by a storm. The Iron Maidens cover Iron Maiden material from all eras of the band’s career, encompassing the band’s biggest hits as well as fan favorites. (groovetickets.com)
11th Hour Live
Moose McGillycuddy’s, 9 p.m.-12:30 a.m., free, 21 and older. Moose McGillycuddy’s presents 11th Hour live. (347-1323)
Saturday October 5
Cruise Night
Aikahi Shopping Center, call for more info. Bring your car and talk story with other car owners. (220-1509)
Tighten Up
Nextdoor, 9 p.m., ladies free cover, $5/general admission, 18 and older. Bringing you the real HipHop, Soul and Funk vibe. (followtheleaderent@yahoo.com)
11th Hour Live
Moose McGillycuddy’s, 9 p.m.-12:30 a.m., free, 21 and older. Moose McGillycuddy’s presents 11th Hour live. (347-1323)
Rebel Souljahz CD Release Party
The Republik, 9 p.m. show starts, $25/general, increase day of show, plus applicable fees. Emerging from the backyards of Waipahu, Hawaii, Rebel Souljahz began as four friends born with a drive to perform. They started singing acapella together in high school, later developing into a full band where they quickly built a name for themselves performing at parties and in the clubs of Honolulu. (groovetickets.com)
Sunday October 6
Soul Patrol “Unplugged”
Aloha Beer Company, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Enjoy acoustic rock, blues and soul music. (545-5959)
Monday October 7
FreeSound Band Live
Hard Rock Café, 9-11 p.m., free. FreeSound Band performs blues and rock. (955-7383)
Tuesday October 8
Iron Server Invitational Challenge
The Republik, free before 8:30 p.m., $5/after. After the success of The Bacardi Oakheart Iron Bartender Challenge and The Bacardi Oakheart Iron Barback Challenge, it is time to shift attention to the other side of the bar and focus on the server. (jointherepublik.com)
Wednesday October 9
Adam Crowe and Keith Batlin Live
Hard Rock Café, 9-11 p.m., free. Adam Crowe and Keith Batlin perform blues and rock. (396-8410)
Thursday October 10
4th Annual Miss Vamp Hawaii Beauty Pageant
The Hawaii Theatre, 7-10 p.m., doors open at 6 p.m., open admission for all ages, $28-$38, visit website for more info. Similar to other pageants, it features the traditional Q&A portion, a gown/costume competition, crowning the winners with sashes, trophies and prizes. However, unique to this pageant, Miss Vamp Hawaii features a “Moon Bathing Lingerie Competition,” honoring the moon and everything it stands for, which differs from the traditional bathing suit competition that other beauty pageants have. (missvamphawaii.com)