Pitstop: 10/3/14

Friday October 3
N.BS Live
Gordon Biersch, 8-11:30 p.m., no cover, $5/flat parking fee. N.BS performs rock and alternative rock. (enomotodarin@hotmail.com)
Saturday October 4
The Show Must Go On
The Republik, 9 p.m. show, $10/21 and older, $15/18 and older. Growing up in a large musical family in Canada, Erin Smith spent her childhood singing, performing and learning violin and guitar. After relocating to Maui, Erin formed pop/rock-punk darlings The Throwdowns and they instantly dominated the local charts with their anthem “Kihei Town” and reggae classic “Stay HI” featuring Marty Dread. (jointherepublik.com)
Fun Razor Show No. 5
Downbeat Lounge, 9 p.m., $5, 21 and older. Bands performing include HOST, Itramonti, Beaman and Drugless Macarthur in the genres of punk, indie rock and hardcore. (failedorbitrecords@gmail.com)
Roots Sesh
Ionz and Kapu System Live
The Studio at Hawaiian Brian’s, 9 p.m.-2 a.m., $5, 18 and older. Ionz and Kapu System perform live. October birthdays get in free. (450-0045)
FoolsKnow Fashion Show
The Studio at Hawaiian Brian’s, 4-8 p.m., $15/presale, $20/door, 18 and older. Event hosted by Joe Kerr and Dyamin Thomas with special guest performers. Showcasing fashion by Stood Blackwell. (450-0045, flavorus.com/foolsknow)
Sketch Hawaii Sessions
The ARTS at Marks Garage, Saturdays until Dec. 27, 2-5 p.m., $200/13 classes, $20/individual class. This class is open to all drawing mediums and skill levels. Explore the dynamic techniques of sketchbook art through the use of the Lecoq de Boisbaudran’s drawing method. Required supplies include sketchbooks, penware and watercolor sets. (artsatmarks.com)
Tuesday October 7
Bacardi Iron Server Challenge
The Republik, Tuesdays until Oct. 21, 8 p.m. contest, free before 8 p.m., $5/after, 21 and older. Stop in to watch servers battle it out for the ultimate title of Bacardi Iron Server. Contestants will include star servers from Duke’s Waikiki, Bevy, Rumfire and Ryan’s Grill among others. Judging the competition will be 2013’s Iron Server Champion, Tiana Santiago, 2013’s Iron Barback Champion Mikey Bostick, This year’s Iron Barback Champion Kevin Prior, as well as other heavyweights in the industry. (jointherepublik.com)
Thursday October 9
Lil’ Jon Live
The Republik, 10 p.m. show, $30/in advance, plus applicable fees, increase day of show. In addition to leading Lil’ Jon & The East Side Boyz, rapper Lil’ Jon has also produced many hit urban singles. (bampproject.com)
Comedian Jim Jefferies Live
The Republik, 6 p.m., Oct. 9 and 10, $29/general seating, $39/premium seating, in advance, plus applicable fees, increase day of show. Australian stand-up comedian Jim Jefferies brings his talent to The Republik for a show sure to enthrall the audience. (bampproject.com)
Courtyard Cinema
The courtyard of the Ward Village Information Center and Sales Gallery, 1240 Ala Moana Blvd., Honolulu, 6 p.m., free, tickets online. This month’s event will screen “A Long Way Down.” (wardvillagecourtyardcinema.com)
Mark Prados and His Enablers Live
Downbeat Lounge, 9 p.m., no cover, 21 and older. Join Mark Prados and His Enablers as they play Chicago blues all night long. (downbeatdiner.com)