Pitstop: 10/11/13

Saturday October 12
Spiral Girl 5th Anniversary
The Republik, 8 p.m. hall doors open, 10 p.m. fashion show, $20/in advance plus applicable fees, increase day of show. Clothing store Spiral Girl celebrates it’s fifth anniversary with a party and live fashion show. Spiral Girl is a casual luxury brand for young woman originally from Japan. (groovetickets.com)
Taimane Garder Live
TheVenue, 8 p.m., free. For those of you keeping an eye on Honolulu’s nightlife, you might be interested to know that Taimane was one of the very first performers on the stage at theVenue when it opened in June 2010. (bambutwo.com)
Sunday October 13
11th Hour Live
Dillingham Ranch, 5-7 p.m., free, all ages. Equus Hotel vs. Dawson International. 11th Hour entertains. (347-1323)
Monday October 14
Belly Dancers Gone Bad Catamaran Cruise
Waikiki Beach, meeting in front of Duke’s Waikiki at 12:30 p.m. prior to boarding, $40/includes tax and tip. Attire: swim wear and sunscreen. (hawaiibellydanceconvention.com/Hawaii_Belly_Dance_Convention/Cruise.html)
Thursday October 17
The Republik, 8 p.m. show starts, all ages accompanied by an adult, $39 premium seating, $29/general admission. What started as a drunken joke for Finnerty singing “I Am Woman” at a karaoke bar has spiraled out of control into The Dan Band – a cult hit that has garnered rave reviews. (groovetickets.com)