Paige FTW: The First PS5 Details Emerge

The worst kept secret in gaming is no more, as Sony formally released the first concrete details on the PlayStation 5 this week.
First, the release window is winter 2020. That’s not bad — especially considering the hefty slate of games set to release on PS4 in the interim, a roster that includes Death Stranding, The Last of Us: Part 2, Ghosts of Tsushima and the remake of Final Fantasy VII.
For the most part, the basics remain the same. You can expect excruciatingly detailed, high quality graphics. The console will run off a solid-state drive and take the same Blu-ray discs as its predecessor. The user interface will be better (thank god because the current one is lacking). You’ll still have to install physical games, but you now can choose what parts you want to keep or delete (like, no multiplayer, but yes campaign).
So far, the press has focused on the updated controller, which builds upon the long-running PlayStation standard with, supposedly, more responsive trigger buttons and joysticks. I mean, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.
Not much has been said of what games we might expect or what developers are committed to the next-gen system, but Shadow of the Colossus developer Bluepoint Games is confirmed for now. One can safely assume all of Sony’s in-house developers are the same, and known Sony fans like Hideo Kojima and Square-Enix surely are all working on their own titles.
As for me, I am a devoted PlayStation loyalist, and I’d buy the PS5 even if nothing were coming out for it. The PS3 generation was a misstep for the company, but it came roaring back to dominance in the PS4 era, and I expect things will stay that way, especially if Sony keeps its hands tight on its heavy-hitting roster of exclusive games.