Nostalgic gameplay meets modern sensibilities in this throwback

By Matt Miller | Game Informer Magazine (MCT)
“Mercenary Kings”
Platform: PlayStation 4, PC
Mode: 1 to 4-Player Shooter (4-Player Online)
Publisher: Tribute Games
ESRB: M, for Mature
When certain games release, you find yourself wondering why more developers haven’t done the same thing before. “Mercenary Kings” is one of those games. While few inherently new ideas are at play in Tribute’s latest project, the combined whole is an impressive effort that mixes classic shooting (inspired by games like “Metal Slug” or “Mega Man”) and injects some of the customization, storytelling, and ancillary mechanics more prevalent in modern games. Whether playing alone or with friends, this massive adventure should keep most players busy for hours.
You are one of the Kings, a mercenary force brought back to life through a secret scientific formula to rid a tropical island of the terrorist threat named CLAW. Before each mission, you wander through camp purchasing first aid kits, equipping new bionic mods, and customizing equipment. Once your soldier is up to snuff, you tackle missions that have you rescuing hostages, taking down giant robotic bosses, gathering supplies, or infiltrating ancient temples. More than 100 missions are available, but many of these outings see you returning to the same maps again and again. While all of “Mercenary Kings’” maps are suitably large, it’s a grind coming back to the same location the seventh or eighth time.
The level designs and enemy placements are top notch, exhibiting a strong eye for a gradual challenge curve that always keeps players on their toes, whether through tough platforming, challenging baddies or a severe time limit. More than 100 distinct enemy types await your attack, constantly demanding new tactics. The shooting mechanic feels purposefully stiff, only allowing you to shoot in straight lines up and down or left and right — a direct homage to the games that inspired “Mercenary Kings.” Little touches like an active reload system (a la “Gears of War”) add a modern touch, forcing you to time your shots and movement to coincide with when bullets remain in your magazine.
While a number of boss models are repeated or show up in only minor variations, they are usually excellent fights. With time and patience, each telegraphs its movements, helping you to gain a sense of mastery. However, I’m not a fan of the odd approach to tracking down a boss. In any given stage, you might need to track your targets to one of several possible locations on the map. If they aren’t there, you must run across the stage again to the next location. If they are there, they’re usually on a timer, and they flee to the next location before you can finish them off. It’s a frustrating mechanic that I could have done without, even though the game provides a couple of ways to work around the issue.
One of the biggest features that sets “Mercenary Kings” apart is its rewarding customization. After acquiring money and materials on missions, you can upgrade your character’s armor for more hit points, install new bionic mods that offer effects like faster speed or higher damage, or change your outfit colors. However, the weapon system far outstrips everything else, offering around 300 distinct weapon pieces that can all be mixed and matched to create an arsenal for any occasion. By the end, you might have a handgun that shoots electric bullets, or a shotgun with a sniper-rifle scope that looks like a trombone.
As I explored Mandragora Island, my admiration for the gorgeous art, animation, and music grew. “Mercenary Kings” is a masterpiece of old school 2-D presentation, filled with clever nods to older games, but with a distinct style to the characters and backgrounds all its own. The evocative chiptune soundtrack matches that look perfectly, and I looked forward to each new area and the character models, environments and music I might find there.