Go mad for mankind in ‘Nier: Automata’

By Josh Barnes | Shacknews.com
“Nier: Automata” is a game that refuses to settle for what you expect. Yoko Taro, creator of “Drakengard” and its spin-off “Nier,” has gained a reputation for his unique approach to game design. I’d venture to call him the video game industry equivalent of a mad scientist. The first “Nier” was such a shock to the system that it took a while before it started getting the praise it really deserved. It was a title that mixed emotional depth with off-the-wall design to create something strangely beautiful. Somehow the mad scientist has managed to capture that lightning in a bottle yet again.
“Automata” takes place far into the future of our planet, one where the real action has already happened. Aliens attacked Earth with an army of machines, forcing humans to flee to the moon, leaving behind androids to fight off the invaders in their place. You play as 2B, a member of an elite android unit called YoRHa, whose goal is the eradication of the aliens and machines, for the glory of mankind.
Of course, this is all merely surface-level story. Venture inward and you’ll find yourself taking twists and turns that never seem to stop. True to its heritage, “Nier: Automata” features multiple endings, five of which are imperative to the plot. This is a game that will first show you its credits just 15 hours in, but won’t truly come to a close for another ten. You can’t stop when you reach ending A. Nor B. Don’t worry though, you won’t want to. Each time you reach an ending, something new is introduced to keep you going. Without spoiling the events of the game, suffice to say you’ll know when you’ve really reached the end.
Yoko Taro has long been an exceptional mind held back by a less than exceptional budget and team. For all the oddly fascinating moments in “Drakengard 3,” it managed to be one of the most poorly optimized games I’ve ever played. “Nier: Automata” finally breaks this cycle, partnering Taro and his entourage with a development team that can actually bring form to his beautiful madness — fan-favorite developer Platinum Games. Having a talented studio to back him up really helps his unique brand of craziness shine. Sure, there are some muddy textures and occasional pop-in or stuttering when sprinting between areas, but otherwise this is the most competently designed game Taro’s ever had his name stamped on.
The famed developers of “Bayonetta” and “Metal Gear Rising” brought their signature flashy, lightning-fast combat to the dark world of “Nier.” It’s not often that an action-RPG gets the benefit of spectacle fighter combat, but it really makes all the difference. The intricacies of the battle system aren’t quite as complex as they are in Platinum’s famous outings, but the plethora of different systems in play here make up for it. There are five types of melee weapons and you can have two configurations on demand, each consisting of one weapon set to your light attack and one to your heavy. Combine this with semi-customizable ranged combat and a surprisingly deep character customization system and you’ve got the recipe for an RPG that had me grinding just for the fun of it.
The customization system itself is fascinating in its own way. Many of your functions — from HUD elements to combat bonuses — are chips that must be equipped. You have a certain number of points available to you, with each chip using up differing amounts of those points. Your HP bar, experience bar, and even your main character’s OS — which can actually be removed, causing instant death — are all chips that need to be equipped to function. As you progress, you’ll gain all sorts of crazy and useful chips that allow you to customize the game further.
It’s not all hacking and slashing, however. Taro’s titles have been known to meddle with other genres in the middle of the game, and this one goes above and beyond. Nier: Automata isn’t just an action-RPG, it’s a Galaga-style shoot-em-up, a twin-stick bullet-hell, and more. What’s even more remarkable is that it somehow nails every one of these genres. The game will weave you in and out of completely different gameplay styles, but none of them ever really feel like they’re detracting from the experience or are there simply as filler. All of this is enhanced further by an absolutely phenomenal soundtrack that perfectly emphasizes the game’s unique and fascinating nature.
This is a game that jumps from funny to emotional, from action-packed to slow and methodical, from 3D to 2D, all at a moment’s notice. It’s a game with questions to ask–not necessarily with the intention of providing answers, but rather hoping that you’ll begin to ask them yourself. These questions are what make “Nier: Automata” a worthy sequel. Its predecessor focused on a very personal, emotional journey. One that had you sympathizing with the protagonist’s plight, eager to help him save his daughter no matter what. This entry is less of a personal journey and more of an existential one, and it does it beautifully.
Platform: PS4
Genre: Action rol-playing
Mode: Single-player
Developer: PlatinumGames
ESRB rating: M, for Mature