
Tats & Tanlines: 4/8/16

Whether made by the sun or with indelible ink, the lines on our bodies often leave a lasting impression. Here’s a body of artwork that’s sure to pique your interest.

Hottie of the week: MZKINGG

TURN ONS: People who can make others leave with a smile on their faces.

PICS: Wekfest

PHOTOS BY JOHNNY WILSON | Special to the Star-Advertiser

Tats & Tanlines: 4/1/16

Whether made by the sun or with indelible ink, the lines on our bodies often leave a lasting impression. Here’s a body of artwork that’s sure to pique your interest.

Hottie of the week: Dancia Decker

TURN ONS: Someone with confidence and a nice smile

PICS: UB40 Reunited

PHOTOS BY KAT WADE | Special to the Star-Advertiser

Tats & Tanlines: 3/25/16

Whether made by the sun or with indelible ink, the lines on our bodies often leave a lasting impression. Here’s a body of artwork that’s sure to pique your interest.

Hottie of the week: Rae Victoria

TURN ONS: Someone who is goal-oriented, a hard worker and an adventurer, and has a sense of humor and good hygiene. Being tatted with big shoulders and arms is also a plus!

Hottie of the week: Miss Kiki

TURN ONS: Someone who’s smart, smells good, is athletic, a hard worker, has goals and ambitions, is funny and easy to talk to. Also someone who’s humble, which I believe is the key to success.

Tats & Tanlines: 3/18/16

Whether made by the sun or with indelible ink, the lines on our bodies often leave a lasting impression. Here’s a body of artwork that’s sure to pique your interest.