
Kupuna Keiki
Aside from offering martial arts programs for keiki and adults, the Life Impact Center (opened by non-profit Kupuna and Keiki) gives back to the community with educational programs that provide tutoring and help with homework for youth in the Kalihi area.

‘God of War’ multiplayer sets foundation for future
“God of War: Ascension” arrived mid-March for PlayStation 3, and while the single-player portion has been reviewed, there’s a new area that’s being explored in the series for the first time.

SP Rides: The Red Box
The weather really seemed to play havoc this week with flood warnings and sporadic rain, but that didn’t deter Richard Ruiz from bringing his daily driven 2009 Scion Limited Edition xB to photograph.

PICS: Tats & Tanlines: 3/29/13
Whether made by the sun or with indelible ink, the lines on our bodies often leave a lasting impression. Here’s a body of artwork that’s sure to pique your interest.