
New Promotion Allows ‘Stars’ To Come Out
Buckle up, fight fans: More mixed martial arts-related events are coming to Oahu.

SP Rides: Black Sunshine
The first thing that popped into my head when I saw Ray Thompson’s 1966 Chevrolet Chevelle was, “This thing looks absolutely evil.”

Bioshock Infinite: A High-Flying Adeventure For Serious Gamers
Before rising into the beatific clouds and getting lost in the wonder and tragedy that is Columbia, let me state clearly: There is not a serious gamer alive today who shouldn’t drop everything and play “Bioshock Infinite.”

PICS: Tats & Tanlines: 4/5/13
Whether made by the sun or with indelible ink, the lines on our bodies often leave a lasting impression. Here’s a body of artwork that’s sure to pique your interest.