
Hottie of the Week: Kellen Takenaka
TURN ONS: Someone with a sense of humor, athleticism and a great smile.

‘Battlefield 4’ fires off controlled mayhem
Recent editions have proven that quality is fleeting in the franchise’s single-player campaigns. Where we gamers end up (correctly) focusing our attention is in the online competitive modes, where EA seems to be devoting its efforts. I long for a military shooter that sucks you into a tightly woven narrative with complex players, but that just isn’t what “Battlefield 4” sells. It sells controlled mayhem.

Hottie of the Week: Stephanie Usita
TURN ONS: Men who show respect, have good hygiene, goals and ambitions in life and who contribute to their relationship.

With its rich storyline, ‘Black Flag’ turns out to be a real treasure
Keeping the tradition of “Assassin’s Creed,” the story is split between the future and the past. After (spoiler) Desmond dies in the future at the conclusion of “AC III,” his consciousness goes to a cloud-computing system owned by Abstergo, the corporate front for the Templars.