
Georges St-Pierre leaves MMA on his own terms
No punch or kick chased the greatest welterweight champion in UFC history away from the cage. No diminished skill set, no slowness from age. Simply his own mental obsessions.

Tats & Tanlines: 12/20/13
Whether made by the sun or with indelible ink, the lines on our bodies often leave a lasting impression. Here’s a body of artwork that’s sure to pique your interest.

‘War of the Vikings’ brings ruthless medieval warfare to life
Gritty. Raw. Violent. Chaotic. These are just a few words to describe medieval combat, and now developer Fatshark looks to bring the gory face-to-face fighting of the Middle Ages to life on PC with its latest title ‘War of the Vikings’.

Hot Import Nights Part 2
Part 2 of Hot Import Nights at the Blaisdell Center including exclusive pics of the Gogo dancing competition hosted by Cherry Lei!