
Hottie of the Week: Dandy Rayn
TURN ONS: Someone who is confident, brings food, has brown skin and is always nice! 😉

SP Rides: Chuck’s Big, Bad Truck
“Coming into the Navy, I really wanted to get out and see the world. But (I knew that if) I left the Navy, I wanted to take something home with me and that was a nice truck,”

Crucifix Arm Bar
This is a very advanced jiu jitsu move, but it very applicable in MMA. Begin in the crucifix position where you trap the opponent’s arm with your legs.

Mixed martial arts fighter accused of attacking ex
Police are looking for a mixed martial arts fighter and porn actor after his girlfriend posted graphic photos of her swollen and beaten face online and said the man, known as War Machine, beat her and a friend so severely that she feared for her life.