Hottie of the Week

Hottie of the Week: Alexis-Tayler Ahakuelo

TURN ONS: Someone who is independent, ambitious, stays humble and loves the Lakers!

Hottie of the Week: Kellene Chun

TURN ONS: I love a guy with a nice smile and who loves animals!

Hottie of the Week: Star Howard

TURN ONS: Someone with a great smile, thick eyebrows and knows how to fix a car.

Hottie of the Week: Jennifer Norfleet

TURN ONS: A man who can dance or play the guitar

Hottie of the Week: Romei Gabriel

TURN ONS: Chillin’ on the beach at night when there’s a full moon.

Hottie of the Week: Carla Harne

TURN ONS: Sense of ambition, animal lovers, green eyes

Hottie of the Week: Brittany Stuart

TURN ONS: Someone who is very sweet, caring, loyal and possesses a sense of humor.

Hottie of the Week: Paula Vu

TURN ONS: Someone who smiles and can be himself. That’s the best thing you can do. You’re not perfect, but you are perfect to me. A person who can be honest is a major turn on, though!

Hottie of the Week: Divina Medeiros

TURN ONS: I love a guy with nice teeth and a great smile. Long hair is a plus, too. 😉 I prefer tall guys, but exceptions can be made. Besides that, I love a guy with a kind heart, is compassionate, honest and respectful, which wins me over any day..

Hottie of the Week: Meleana Fernandez

TURN ONS: Independent, hard-working and humble people.