Hottie of the Week

Hottie of the Week: Stacey Lau

TURN ONS: A humble guy with nice eyes and a great smile, who has goals and knows what he wants his future to be like.

Hottie of the Week: Lovey Yumiguchi

TURN ONS: Someone who is knowledgable, has ambitions, charming, has a fun personality and whose down for adventure like I am!

Hottie of the Week: Kellen Takenaka

TURN ONS: Someone with a sense of humor, athleticism and a great smile.

Hottie of the Week: Stephanie Usita

TURN ONS: Men who show respect, have good hygiene, goals and ambitions in life and who contribute to their relationship.

Hottie of the Week: Chloe Kono

TURN ONS: Blondes and dimples.

Hottie of the Week: Robin Gilmore

TURN ONS: Being spontaneous, going on an adventure and trying new things. I also love when someone makes me laugh. Oh, and having hair is definitely a bonus.

Hottie of the Week: Kyllie Hiura

TURN ONS: Someone with a gorgeous smile, confidence and a sense of humor.

Hottie of the Week: Natasha McKenzie

TURN ONS: Someone who makes me laugh, laughs at all of my jokes (even if they’re not that funny) and enjoys the gym as much as I do. Also a simple wink is what melts my heart.

Hottie of the Week: Christina Guillermo

TURN ONS: A handy man with a good personality, who is also professional, funny, sincere, understanding, caring, and loving. Also someone with nice eyes and a smile.

Hottie of the Week: Jerlee Javier

TURN ONS: Hardworking, successful men and athletes.