Hottie of the Week

Hottie of the Week: Gracie Berkley

TURN ONS: Humility, intelligence and a strong jawline.

Hottie of the Week: Chantelle

TURN ONS: Someone who can make me laugh and go on lots of crazy adventures with me

Hottie of the Week: Ruby Rain Lapham

TURN ONS: Someone who wears good cologne, and is both humorous and adventurous.

Hottie of the Week: Lulu Tatom

TURN ONS: Someone who’s genuine, funny, thoughtful and a free spirit.

Hottie of the Week: Jazmine Lane

TURN ONS: People who are down to do whatever and especially those who I can chat with for hours about anything.

Hottie of the Week: Anna Mei

TURN ONS: Intelligence, hygiene and humor. Also, (cough) guys who attend law school (cough).

Hottie of the Week: Gwendolynne Gee

TURN ONS: When they have kind eyes, and shoulders and arms that can secure me. Cheesy as it sounds, that does make my knees weak.

Hottie of the Week: Bianca

TURN ONS: A true gentleman who knows how to be a beast, who has respect for those all around him, who is passionate and courageous to chase his dream. Also, someone who smells great.

Hottie of the Week: Alicia Nicole

TURN ONS: Someone who has goals, is honest and has a crazy sense of humor.

Hottie of the Week: Minji Pae

TURN ONS: Confidence (not to be confused with arrogance) and good grammar