Hottie of the Week

Hottie of the Week: Ruby Rain

WHAT TURNS ME ON: Someone who makes me laugh, and also make me a mean grilled cheese sandwich.

Hottie of the Week: Sasha

WHAT TURNS ME ON: Chicken Wings

Hottie of the Week: Ashley Powell

WHAT TURNS ME ON: A kind, adventurous, ambitious person with a sense of style, great sense of humor and overall someone who I would be proud to introduce to my dad.

Hottie of the Week: Arwen Ekimi

WHAT TURNS ME ON: Someone who is optimistic, patient, supportive, and likes to spend time together.

Hottie of the Week: Ashley Flake Kennedy

WHAT TURNS ME ON: Adrenaline and humor

Hottie of the Week: Rayna Amber

WHAT TURNS ME ON: Anyone who is down to go to the beach.

Hottie of the Week: Lovella Salvosa

WHAT TURNS ME ON: A sense of humor, and masculinity

Hottie of the Week: Keri Kougs

WHAT TURNS ME ON: Give me humor, quick wit and intelligence, and you’ll instantly have my heart. Give me realness and honesty, and I’m yours forever.

Hottie of the Week: Michelle

WHAT TURNS ME ON: Go-getters. And also, those who actually make moves and achieve the things they strive for.

Hottie of the Week: Candice

WHAT TURNS ME ON: Traveling, music, dance, stage, food and deep intellectual conversations