Game On

Paige FTW: ‘Three Houses’ Offers Triple The Strategy
The revival and renaissance of Fire Emblem has seen the series meander into rather odd directions at times from its classic routes — two titles devoted to breeding your army to create the perfect super soldiers, for instance — but Three Houses is a magnificent return to form, with precisely the right amount of innovation […]

Three recent games you might have missed
Game Names Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night Metal Wolf Chaos XD Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order By Gieson Cacho // The Mercury News (TNS) Before the holiday season arrives and a deluge of games hits the shelves, it’s best to clear the slate and check out titles that have gone overlooked during the […]

Paige FTW: ‘Oracles’ Due For A Comeback
After the glowing success of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Nintendo is going low-key this year, merely putting out a remake of Link’s Awakening on the Switch to keep fans sated. The return to top-down, grid-based Zelda reminds me of two true gems of the early 2000s: Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages.

Twin sisters battle Nazis in fictional Europe
The Wolfenstein franchise continues to evolve with the release of Wolfenstein: Youngblood which introduces multiplayer mode. The co-op game lets players choose to take on the role of Jessie or Zofia Blazkowicz, twin sisters who travel to France in search of their missing father. Helped by their childhood friend, Abby, the duo dons power suits and raise hell in an alternate Europe where the Nazis have taken over the world.

Paige FTW: The Joy Of Planning
Sometimes, the best part of playing a game is preparing to play the game. Fire Emblem: Three Houses is out now for Nintendo Switch. As a huge, unabashed fan of the series since its American debut on Game Boy Advance, I am keen to sink my teeth into what appears to be a very meaty game.

Multiplayer game offers variety, connectivity
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare returns to the era of fighting in the modern era, touching on present-day conflicts and scenarios. But while the goals for single-player have been established, it’s not time to move on to what the game’s multiplayer has to offer.

Paige FTW: The King Is Dead, Long Live The King
Nintendo didn’t come right out and say it, but we all know the truth.

New game offers old-school fun
It’s been over two decades since I first played Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, and my love for it has only grown through the years. In fact, I consider it to be my favorite game of all time, and I replay it regularly.

Paige FTW: Comic-Con 2019 Roundup
Comic-Con is generally not heavy on video games, but there were a few noteworthy announcements made at the nerd culture mecca of the world.

Players travel between the realms of the dead and living in Tokyo RPG Factory project
Tokyo RPG Factory’s latest action role-playing game takes place in a fantasy world, in which reincarnation is a reality. Death is seen as a transitory state as most spirits move on. Oninaki follows a boy named Kagachi, whose parents die when he’s young. His childhood friend, Mayura, and her father, Kushi, help him through the ordeal.