Game On

It seems almost surreal to finally be writing a “Resident Evil 7” review, but here we are. Ever since the “Resident Evil” franchise strayed from the well-worn path of survival horror around “Resident Evil 4’s” debut, series purists have practically begged Capcom to return to the game’s roots.

“Final Fantasy XV” is a road trip that comes dangerously close to running out of gas, coasting on fumes long enough to deliver a rich and rewarding open-world experience that embraces the bond of friendship just as much as the thrill of hunting for rare treasure and beasts.

PaigeFTW: ‘Episode Prompto’ Actually Not That Bad
After the resounding disappointment that was Final Fantasy XV’s Episode Gladiolus DLC, I had high hopes for the second DLC installment, Episode Prompto (because, spoiler, Prompto is my favorite character). Thankfully, things went right this time.

PaigeFTW: The Cynicism Of The SNES Classic
Nintendo’s announcement that it will release an SNES Classic just in time for the holiday season fills me with cynicism more than delight.

The return of ‘Assassin’s Creed’
Early in the life of the series, I looked forward to Assassin’s Creed games with a level of anticipation that few franchises could match. The original game, its sequel, and the amazing Brotherhood all hold special places in my personal video game hall of fame.

PaigeFTW: ‘Tekken 7’ Refines The Formula
Tekken 7 is all about incremental change. What was introduced in 1994 is still recognizably the same in 2017, with the same faces, even, bouncing around.

‘The Sexy Brutale,’ in the shadows of murder
Cavalier Game Studios and Tequila Works have joined together to bring us The Sexy Brutale, a delightful murder mystery that features stylish cartoon violence. You’ll relive the same day where the guests at the casino mansion — The Sexy Brutale — are murdered by the staff in a “Groundhog’s Day” sort of fashion.

PaigeFTW: E3 Recap: You Win, Nintendo
Well, here I am with egg on my face after E3. That’s what I get for hating on Nintendo, clearly. Nevertheless, it was a rather lackluster year overall — it was largely a rehash of last year’s big announcements (now with release windows and less hype). But let’s go through the biggest and most pressing announcements.

Game Review: RiMe
Let me preface this review by stating that RiME isn’t for everyone. It’s a slow, solemn puzzle platformer that requires a lot of patience. If you aren’t a fan of the genre, you won’t be able to extract the full experience that the game has to offer. Additionally, among the top questions asked in relation to RiME is whether or not it’s worth purchasing on the Nintendo Switch.

PaigeFTW: Pokemon News Fails To Excite
Seven generations in, Pokemon might be running out of names. Fans were hopeful that the pre-E3 Pokemon Direct would feature the much-rumored Pokemon Stars — a bold debut for these pocket monsters on a home console in a brand-new adventure set in Alola (not unlike what happened between Black/White and their sequels).