Game On

Game Review: Arcade sports meets fantasy role-playing in Supergiant’s unique indie mash-up, ‘Pyre’
Supergiant’s games are unmistakable. Characterized by immaculate world building, lush colors, exaggerated character models, and hip-but-poignant soundtracks, the studio behind Bastion and Transistor has established a firm aesthetic.

Paige FTW: How I Learned To Love BOTW
I’m a year late to the party — I’m always late to all the parties — but I’ve finally fallen in love The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.

Game review: ‘Dragon Ball FighterZ’ goes super Saiyan
Let me take you back to the ‘90s really quick, an era where anime could pretty much only be found at Blockbuster videos and interest in Japanese cartoons was considered a hobby only for the socially inept. This was around the time I had my first exposure to the Dragon Ball franchise in the form of imported Super Famicom fighting games.

Paige FTW: Behind The Pixels
I’ve long been eyeing out Blood, Sweat, and Pixels: The Triumphant, Turbulent Stories Behind How Video Games Are Made, by Kotaku news editor Jason Schreier.

Game Review: ‘Madden NFL 18,’ a tale of two halves
Fans are sometimes confused by the players NFL teams draft. Players are taken at positions the team is already strong at, while weaknesses are seemingly ignored. Fans deem some players a reach, and don’t understand why their favorites weren’t drafted.

Paige FTW: Nintendo Wants A Big 2018
How do you follow up releasing two of the most critically acclaimed games of all time? A tall order lies ahead for Nintendo, but the company started 2018 strong with a Nintendo Direct loaded with big announcements.

Game review: ‘Gorogoa’ is as much a work of art as it is a puzzle game
Part of what makes a good puzzle game is the inevitable “ah-ha” moment, the sense of accomplishment you get as you fit all the pieces together.

Paige FTW: 2018: A Look Ahead
2017 was an amazing year for video games — so amazing that I still haven’t even played half of its major releases. (I am a very bad video game columnist.) Will 2018 live up to expectations? Here’s a preview of what’s been announced so far.