Game On

Preview: ‘Trailblazers’ adds a touch of ‘Overwatch’ to racing genre
Supergonk Founder Ben Ward is passionate about racing games, but he sees a genre that needs to evolve. He points to the evolution of first-person shooters and says they’ve gone from raw fragfests like “Doom” and branched out to elegant team-based projects such as “Overwatch.”

Paige FTW: The Sound Of Silence In ‘Zelda’
Because The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is, in so many ways, a game about progress, very little has been made of its ending.

Preview: Will ‘Far Cry 5’ live up to expectations
A “Far Cry” game needs three things: a charismatic villain, hallucinatory drugs and a compelling locale.

Paige FTW: Ranking Pokemon Generations, By Influence
As the world trembles in anticipation for Pokemon’s long-rumored appearance on Nintendo Switch, I thought it would be fun to look back on the previous seven generations — and their contributions to the series as a whole.

Review: ‘Fe’ shows EA Originals embrace indie spirit, flaws and all
Although “Battlefield 1” earned plenty of accolades in 2016, another Electronic Arts game earned noteworthy praise. “Unravel” was the polar opposite of typical project from the Redwood City-based company.

Paige FTW: Tolkien’s Long Shadow
I may have grown up in the age of Harry Potter, but as I’ve gotten older, it has been the stories of Frodo Baggins that have ensnared my heart and imagination.

Review: ‘Dragon Quest Builders’ a perfect fit on Nintendo Switch
It’s impossible for me to keep up with every game. Dozens of titles launch every month and some are bound to fall to the wayside. That’s how “Dragon Quest Builders” fell off my radar in 2016.

Paige FTW: A Little Dissidia Goes A Long Way
It’s a strange world when a mobile tie-in title feels more fun to play than its full-length big brother, but such as it is with Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia.