Game On

Game review: ‘The Council Episode One: The Mad Ones,’ genre evolution
Despite technical flaws, the Telltale formula has propelled the studio to the upper echelons of gaming, leading more developers to leap into the episodic adventure pond following their games’ success.

Paige FTW: ‘Ready Player One’ Review: I Don’t Like This Game
A common consensus among film critics was that Ready Player One, Steven Spielberg’s adaptation of Ernest Cline’s bestselling novel, was a film for gamers — a movie built with the distinct sensibilities of a video game, designed to appeal to those who love video games.

A refreshing return for the series
Although it’s been more than 30 years since its release, I’ve never played a “Bard’ Tale” game. The original was released for the PC in 1985 and after three more sequels, the game lay dormant until a spinoff also called “The Bard’s Tale” came out in 2004.

Paige FTW: Why Do You Fight?
I’ve never been much of a Far Cry person, though I do own several titles (sales!). Far Cry 5 attracted a lot of attention for its topical foray into rural America. People mused that perhaps this would be the game that would offer a nuanced take on America’s divided, contentious political divide.

Nintendo’s franchise still gives game players fun with modern twists
When it comes to Nintendo’s stable of iconic characters, the Switch is off to an amazing start. “The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild” launched to a chorus of “best ever” proclamations, and similar sentiment will undoubtedly (and rightfully) be showered upon “Super Mario Odyssey.”

Paige FTW: In-Game Injury
I had just gotten back from vacation and, feeling restless, thought to do something that would soothe me — something repetitive and simple and consuming, so that I could avoid the specter of post-vacation stress.

Review: ‘Sea of Thieves’ faces rough sailing with shallow waters
It’s been a long time since Rare has had a blockbuster. Part of the reason is that the developer isn’t afraid of trying unconventional ideas.

Paige FTW: A Taste Of Japan
Nothing is more ubiquitously Japanese than a themed café. There is, for example, the Final Fantasy-themed ARTNIA in Shinjuku, which sells delectable sundaes topped with chocolate Buster Swords.

Game review: ‘Yakuza 6’ a modern chapter in need of one vital update
Jumping into the “Yakuza” series right now is a tricky proposition. Sega’s long-running underworld crime saga has been out for more than a decade and has several chapters that follow the exploits of legendary gangster Kazuma Kiryu.