Game On

Paige FTW: Familiar Faces
It used to be that established actors never appeared in animated films. Nowadays, that’s all there is — star-studded cast lists for such “illustrious” titles as The Secret Life of Pets and Spies in Disguise.

Franchise expansion takes players back to New York
Coney Island was only the beginning. As players check out episode 3 of Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 post-launch content, they’ll discover that more is coming.

Take command of a demon-fighting army
In Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous — a sequel to Pathfinder: Kingmaker — players create a character that becomes the leader of an army charged with freeing a region that was invaded by a demon army.

Paige FTW: ʻRe:Mind’ Me Why I Love ‘Kingdom Hearts’
Kingdom Hearts was the absolute coolest thing ever when I was in high school. Twelve years later, I can see the flaws and the cheese and zippers and all the weirdness.

Game tracks athlete’s career from middle school to the pros
Not many Americans may know about Captain Tsubasa. That’s understandable because the manga and anime, which ran from 1980s to 1990s, never made it to U.S. shores.

Paige FTW: Sequel Hunt
Video games are an industry where sequels are … expected, honestly. If you make a fantastic standalone game (like The Last of Us), the first question you should expect is when the next one is coming out. Movie franchises make people sigh, but video games usually only encourage calls of more, more, more.

Horror game aspires to be Evil Dead 2-type of sequel
After reinventing a legendary franchise, what do you do for an encore? That was a question facing director Hugo Martin when creating Doom Eternal.

Paige FTW: The Rabbit Hole Of D&D
I’ve mentioned in this space before that I recently got into Dungeons & Dragons.

Games of the decade 2010 to 2019
Picking the best games of the decade is an increasingly tough task. These are the games that had a lasting impact on me. They are the ones that I fondly remember or the titles that I still play today. With that said, here are the games that were the most important to me over the past decade.