Game On

Game review: ‘The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit,’ the power of imagination
“The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit” takes the “Life is Strange” series from teenage angst to childlike imagination. How well does Dontnod Entertainment approach this transition? Our review.

Paige FTW: A Return To Linearity
Modern gaming has embraced the open-world model wholeheartedly. Beyond a few outliers like The Last of Us: Part II, E3 was dominated by a new generation of “go wherever you want” titles that promise more player freedom than ever before.

Game preview: ‘Tetris Effect’ building blocks of virtual reality
“Tetris” comes to virtual reality for the first time and not only does it feel good, it feels good enough to justify picking up a PlayStation VR on its own. Shacknews goes eyes-on at E3 2018.

Paige FTW: E3 2018: Depth, But Not Breadth
There were very few new announcements to come out of E3 this year. Instead, developers doubled down on already announced titles. I guess the bright side is that we (should) have a lot to imminently look forward to? Here are my personal highlights.

Game review: ‘Vampyr,’ suck the fun into everything
What type of vampire would you be? This is what DontNod Entertainment, the team behind the critically acclaimed and fan-adored “Life Is Strange” games, gives you a chance to answer in “Vampyr.” In this new experience, players take on the role of newly born vampire Jonathan Reid.

Paige FTW: E3 2018: What To Look For
June heralds the start of summer — and of gaming’s biggest event of the year. E3 runs June 12-14 in Los Angeles, and, as usual, it’ll probably be a pretty big deal. Here are some key points to look for ahead of the conference (and of course, we’ll be dissecting the announcements here next week).

Game review: ‘Yakuza 6’ a modern chapter in need of one vital update
Jumping into the “Yakuza” series right now is a tricky proposition. Sega’s long-running underworld crime saga has been out for more than a decade and has several chapters that follow the exploits of legendary gangster Kazuma Kiryu.

PaigeFTW: ‘Let’s Go’ Into The Unknown
My feelings about the decline of the Pokemon franchise have been well documented in this space. Dear reader, you won’t be surprised to learn that my initial reaction upon hearing of Pokemon: Let’s Go! Pikachu and Pokemon: Let’s Go! Eevee was cynical. This is the franchise’s Nintendo Switch debut? This?