Can’t-miss ‘Sniper’ adventure has strong focus on story

A sniper must view his target as an obstacle to overcome. He must look at him as a goal to reach. A sniper must look at his target as a faceless carcass that is standing in between him and his next victim. While a sniper may look at his target in this way, City Interactive wants to make sure that in “Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2” players are able to get to know the man behind the sight. GamerHub.TV sat down with producer Michael Sroczynski to learn more.
In the original “Sniper: Ghost Warrior,” players did not have a chance to connect with the sniper they were playing. Along with only having one environment to play in, players also dealt with a one-dimensional character with no real motivation behind his actions. In “Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2,” all that will change. You play as Private Security Consultant Captain Cole Anderson. Cole Anderson begins in the Philippines attempting to eliminate a terrorist threat.
Soon after the game begins, Anderson must make a choice that will change the direction of the game going forward. Without giving away details, the story is linear in progression, which allows City Interactive to focus on sculpting the story around the protagonist. Anderson’s story will be told through flashbacks that will be used to flesh out the character’s development.
City Interactive is so focused on crafting a thorough and interesting story, that it has plans to support the story well after launch. City Interactive plans to release downloadable content, or DLC. While there is no word yet on the date of the release, there are two planned DLC expansions planned for after launch that will expand the story of Cole Anderson.
“Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2” is shaping up to be a true contender in a month when so many great games are being released. With Cry Engine 3 technology, cooperation from Crytek, research provided by a real Polish Special Forces sniper for authenticity, and a strong focus on story, there is no way that “Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2” can miss. The game has the Xbox 360, Playstation 3 and PC in its sights and releases on March 12.
Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2
Platforms: PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Microsoft Windows, Wii U
Publisher: City Interactive
Genre: First-person shooter, tactical shooter
ESRB Rating: M for Mature