Pitstop: 11/17/17

Friday November 17

Paʻakai Marketplace hosted by PAʻI Foundation
Paʻakai Marketplace is an innovative event collaboration with PAʻI Foundation – a Hawaiian arts and culture preservation organization. This monthly series embraces and features products made by local artists, crafters and cultural practitioners to the community cultivating strong Native Hawaiian identity. Check it out from 5 to 9 p.m. at SALT at Our Kakaako. Admission is free. (saltatkakaako.com)

Royal Hawaiian Band
Royal Hawaiian Band performs at noon at Iolani Palace. (rhb-music.com)

Soulgasm’s 10-year
The longest running house music party — Soulgasm — in Hawaii’s history celebrates a landmark 10 years with a celebration at Bar 35. The event kicks off at 8:30 p.m., and admission is $10. Planned are a myriad of poets, artists, dancers, DJs, live music and more. (soulgasmhawaii@gmail.com, facebook.com/soulgasmhawaii)

Big Jay Live
Big Jay performs island reggae at Downbeat Lounge during happy hour, 6-8 p.m. Admission is free. After that, 86 List and Never Enough (and others) perform at 9 p.m.; admission is $5 for those 18 and older. (downbeatdiner.com)

Sunday November 19

Try four timed laps at the Sports Car Club of America solo/autocross course in competition with other cars and trucks at Aloha Stadium parking lot. Visit website for more information. (scchawaii.org)

Royal Hawaiian Band
Royal Hawaiian Band performs at 2 p.m. at Kapiolani Park Bandstand. (rhb-music.com)

Tuesday November 21

Biku + Keith Batlin Live
Singer-songwriters Biku, Andy 7 Pairs and Keith Batlin perform at 8 p.m. at Downbeat Lounge. Admission is free for those 21 and older. (downbeatdiner.com)

Thursday November 23

Rock-A-Hula presents Thanksgiving at Legends from 6 to 9:30 p.m. Create a new Thanksgiving tradition at Rock-A-Hula. You’ll be treated to the new Rock-A-Hula show, dinner, beverages and exciting cast meet-and-greet, plus a special Thanksgiving dessert. Dinner packages range in price. Visit website for more information. (rockahula.com)