Pitstop: 6/13/14

Friday June 13
Rebel Souljahz CD Release Party
The Republik,9 p.m. show starts, $20/in advance, plus applicable fees, increase day of show, 18 and older. With great success off first 2 albums “Nothing to Hide” and “Bring Back the Days” RebelSoulJahz has cultivated a following worldwide. Their third full length album entitled “SoulJahz for Life” due out early 2014 has stirred up a huge buzz with hit singles “Gotta Know Your Name” and “Play Me Like a Fool.” (groovetickets.com)
Hawaii Wellness Expo
Neal Blaisdell Exhibition Hall, June 13-15, $5/admission. Demonstrations from NaKane-Men of Paradise, Hawaii Rugby Team, Hawaii Roller Derby will be doing special presentations on the main stage. Special highlights include a Networking Lounge featuring business resources, media, networking organizations, local magazines, coupons and local discounts for business and personal. (hawaiiwellnessexpo.com)
Good Foot
Mercury Bar, 9 p.m.-1 a.m., $5/cover, 21 and older. DJ Nick and Maria Ramos. (537-3080)
Saturday June 14
Rebel Souljahz CD Release Party
The Republik,9 p.m. show starts, $20/in advance, plus applicable fees, increase day of show, 18 and older. With great success off first 2 albums “Nothing to Hide” and “Bring Back the Days” RebelSoulJahz has cultivated a following worldwide. Their third full length album entitled “SoulJahz for Life” due out early 2014 has stirred up a huge buzz with hit singles “Gotta Know Your Name” and “Play Me Like a Fool.” (groovetickets.com)
The Female Comics of Hawaii
Downbeat Lounge, 8-10 p.m., $10/door, 21 and older. Performing comedy: Danielle Gregoire (special guest from Seattle), Becki Doughty (special guest from Maui), Erika Swartzkopf, MaryJane, Brandi Morgan, Kanoe Laa and Porscha. Hosted by James Mane of Mars Comedy. (downbeathawaii.com)
All That Matters
Kakaako Agora, 441 Cooke St., 2:30 p.m. doors, 3-9 p.m., free, all ages. An event featuring workshops geared toward youth activation through arts and culture. Featuring the Secret Record Store with snack purchases from Morning Glass Coffee. (allthatmattershnl.com)
Women That Rock Honolulu
Anna O’Brien’s, 9 p.m.-1 a.m., $10/before 10:30 p.m., $15/after, 21 and older. Live music by Liquid Amber, Stef Muzic and other special guests. (ambernetevents.com, stefmuzic.com)
11th Hour Live
Tsunami’s Waikiki, 10:30 p.m.-2:30 a.m., free, 21 and older. 11th Hour delivers solid sets of modern, alternative, classic and blues rock music to Tsunami’s in Waikiki. (347-1323)
Sunday June 15
Polo Game
Hawaii Polo Club, 68-411 Farrington Hwy., Waialua, 2 p.m. matches start, 11 a.m. gates open, $10/field seating, $25/clubhouse area. New Zealand versus Hawaii. (Hawaii-polo.org, hpsocialclub@gmail.com)
Wednesday June 18
Fun and Games: Jenga
Eleven44, 6:30 p.m., free. Break up the week with a night of fun and games. Come as a team or join one on site. Bring your own game board for a special prize. Reservations and walk-ins welcome. (eleven44hawaii.com)