Hottie of the Week: Minnie Michele
HOTTIE OF THE WEEK: Minnie Michele
HEIGHT: 5’2″
WHAT I’M MADE OF: 100% Chinese!
WHAT I RIDE: I drive a 2013 Civic LX
WHAT I WATCH: I don’t watch much TV, but I love the movie Burlesque!
MUSIC TO MY EARS: I listen to anything. I don’t really have a fave
BOOK IT: I love books written by Nicolas Sparks
TURN ONS: Intelligence, sense of humor and style
TURN OFFS: Cockiness and bad hygiene
PLACES TO PARTY: Mostly Vice nightclub, but really anywhere that has good people and good music
FAVE FOOD: Italian foods and dessert
SOMETHING FEW KNOW ABOUT ME: I’m adopted from China!
INSTAGRAM: @minnie_michele
Wanna be a Street Pulse hottie? Send your best pictures and contact information to Applicants must be at least 18 years of age.